Geraldo de Barros

is a Brazilian painter, photographer and designer. He was one of the exponents of the avant-garde of Brazilian art, a precursor of concrete art and a pioneer of abstract photography.

He worked as a furniture designer from 1954 onwards, where he helped to found the Unilabor work cooperative, playing an important role in industrial design.

Presented by Maria Clara Machado to Father João Batista, he visits his workshop and suggests to him that he set up a carpentry shop there, that a furniture workshop be developed there. Thus, Unilabor was born, which aimed to produce furniture with a new design proposal.

Geraldo developed the name, the logo and designed the furniture. At Unilabor, employees had a share in the company’s management and profits, and they were offered art and industrial design classes, and everything was discussed around form, function and production method, according to the concepts of beauty and utility.

A few years later, in association with Aloísio Bione, they founded Hobjeto Indústria de Móveis (1964), deeply involved both in the function of design and in the social structure of the economy in which it operated.
