Jean Gillon

Jean Gillon was born in Iasi, Romania, in 1919, where he graduated from the National University’s schools of Architecture and Fine Arts. He took specialist courses at the Kunstgewerbschulle in Vienna and at the School of Arts and Crafts in Leeds – where he later worked as a visiting professor. In 1956, already with a solid portfolio, he moved to São Paulo, where he developed simultaneous actions in three main areas: interior architecture, plastic arts and design.

As far as architecture is concerned, he acquired renown in the hotel business, designing dozens of luxury hotels throughout Brazil, as well as shops and residences. In the visual arts, he was a prolific creator of tapestries – usually unique pieces made with different techniques, based on gouache drawings.

Jean Gillon started designing furniture due to the demands of his architectural clients and in 1961 he founded his first company, Fábrica de Móveis Cidam, later followed by WoodArt, in which he produced complete lines of furniture and wooden furniture objects. pink, using leather. and upholstery too. A successful businessman, he turned to exports and, at one point, worked with twenty-two countries. He collaborated with MTM – Indústria de Móveis Village, Italma and Probel, which produced his designs.

In 1991, his Jangada armchair (jangada) received a mention at the Movesp Award. In 1992, he was honored as Professional of the Year by the Brazilian Association of Interior Architects and Decorators. Gillon died in 2007 in São Paulo.
