Bernardo Figueiredo

He graduated as an architect in 1957 at the National Faculty of Architecture of the University of Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro. He began acting professionally in the “Golden Years”. A paradigmatic and auspicious moment in our history, when the policy to “develop 50 years in 5” encouraged Brazilian industries.

Bernardo worked with interior architecture at Oca. Between 1963 and 1967, he designed around 70 furniture for residential use in jacaranda and straw, named as Desenho Brasileiro, which were sold at the Chica da Silva store, owned by costume designer Kalma Murtinho. He also designed a line of office furniture, between 1966 and 1967, for Hermax Móveis. Still in the 1960s, he created Amak Monobloco, a line of popular furniture produced by Silecia and presented at the 1966 Berlin International Fair.

At the invitation of the then ambassador Wladimir Murtinho (1919-2003), Figueiredo designed furniture for the Itamaraty Palace, as part of a team formed by Jorge Hue (1923- ), Joaquim Tenreiro (1906- 1992), Sérgio Rodrigues (1927-2014) and Karl Heinz Bergmiller (1928- ). But in addition to furniture, Bernardo worked with graphic design, design for international fairs, interior design, architecture and urbanism.
